PROMISLingua dispune de o abordare extrem de inovativă care presupune o înțelegere comună și o nomenclatură comună. Următoarea secțiune prezintă o listă de termeni specializați și definiția acestora.
- Java
A high level programming language used to create web applications, run scripts or mini-programs embedded in web pages or applications, or to create an interface for a web site residing database and many other purposes. Created by Sun Microsystems and a chief rival of XML.
- JavaScript
A proprietary scripting language by Netscape that adds author-specified user events to static pages.
- JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
An application program interface used to connect programs written in Java to the data in databases.
Source: Learning Circuits
- Job aid
Any simple tool that helps a worker do his or her job (for example, a flow chart to follow when answering a customer service call). Job aids generally provide quick reference information rather than in-depth training.
Source: Learning Circuits
- JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
This file format for color-rich images was developed by the Joint Photographic Experts Group committee. JPEG compresses graphics of photographic color depth better than competing file formats like GIF, and it retains a high degree of color fidelity.
This makes JPEG files smaller and therefore quicker to download. You can choose how much to compress a JPEG file, but since it is a lossy format, the smaller you compress the file, the more color information will be lost. JPEG files can be viewed by a variety of downloadable software on both the PC and Mac.
- Just-in-time
Characteristic of e-learning in which learners are able to access the information they need exactly when they need it.
Source: Learning Circuits