PROMISLingua dispune de o abordare extrem de inovativă care presupune o înțelegere comună și o nomenclatură comună. Următoarea secțiune prezintă o listă de termeni specializați și definiția acestora.
- M-learning (mobile learning)
Learning that takes place via such wireless devices as cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), or laptop computers.
Source: Learning Circuits
- M-work
The main concept in M-work is anything, anytime, anywhere – i.e. the access to relevant information independent of time and space. This concept enables flexibility in the work process and is a driver for productivity improvements.
M-work will change the user behaviour like Internet technology changed the working day for most of us. Specific user communities with special needs will lead to develop good M-work concepts.
- Mailing list
An e-mail system that includes multiple recipients as part of its address. See e-mail.
- Management philosophy statements
Formal enunciations of the company or CEO s way of doing business.
- Management System
A management system is the collection of policy, rules and guidance that control and guide processes to achieve the organisation’s objectives. The nature of a Management System is structural and acts on processes which are dynamic in nature.
The Management System may be written down within formal controlled Documents (A6) or may be defined within other myPROMIS Elements e.g. software structure can define part of the Management System. Source: PROMIS@Service Sarl
- Marketing
Marketing is "the process of planning and executing the pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, ideas, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals."
Source: The American Marketing Association
- Markup
Text or codes added to a document to convey information about it. Usually used to formulate a document s layout or create links to other documents or information servers. HTML is a common form of markup.
Source: Learning Circuits
- Material (structure) A5
Product, materials, substances, energy, forming part of or produced by the business process. May be biological, radioactive etc.
Note these may be desired or undesired (e.g. waste is also ‘material’).
Source: PROMIS@Service Sarl
- Mbps (megabits per second)
A measurement of data transmission speed in a communication system; the number of megabits transmitted or received each second.
Source: Learning Circuits
- Megabyte
Although mega is Greek for a million, a megabyte actually contains 1,048,576 bytes (1,024 x 1,024 bytes). In other words, a million bytes is actually less than a megabyte. Remember that the next time you buy a hard disk or try to fit files onto a floppy disk. Abbreviated as MB.
- Member
Member, means a legal entity, an international organisation, or the JRC, other than a beneficiary, which has concluded a membership agreement signed with a beneficiary in agreement with the Community and in accordance with this grant agreement and having, by virtue of that membership agreement, the same rights and obligations as the beneficiary unless the former stipulates otherwise.
Source: European Commission
- Membership agreement
Means the agreement concluded between the participants for the specific needs of the project in accordance with the conditions of this grant agreement.
Source: European Commission
- Mentoring
A career development process in which less experienced workers are matched with more experienced colleagues for guidance. Mentoring can occur either through formal programs or informally as required and may be delivered in-person or by using various media.
Source: Learning Circuits
- Metadata
Information about content that enables it to be stored in and retrieved from a database.
Source: Learning Circuits
- Metatag
An HTML tag identifying the contents of a Website. Information commonly found in the metatag includes copyright info, key words for search engines, and formatting descriptions of the page.
Source: Learning Circuits
- Microwave
Electromagnetic waves that travel in a straight line and are used to and from satellites and for short distances up to 30 miles.
Source: Learning Circuits
- Mirror site
Because the Internet population has exploded in recent years, a lot of archive servers can't cope with the load. One solution is to create an exact copy of a server – a process called mirroring.
Mirror sites divert some of the traffic from the original site. It's not unusual to find a dozen or more mirrors of busy ftp sites.
- Modem
A modem is an external box or internal circuitry that converts computer data into sound that can be transmitted over phone lines. First used to send telegrams, early modems alternated between two different tones.
This is called modulation, and the process of modulating (and demodulating at the receiving end) gave the modem its name. These days modems transmit data with lots of different tones, signals, and complex mathematical processing, so modem is a bit of a misnomer.
- Mozilla
The original name for Netscape's Navigator browser through version 1.1. Netscape "hacker" Jamie Zawinski claims credit for the name, while artist Dave Titus turned Mozilla into Netscape's original mascot. Mo has since been replaced by Netscape's familiar nautical imagery.
- MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)
1) A high-quality video file format that uses compression to keep file sizes relatively small. 2) The subgroup of the International Organization for Standardization responsible for setting the standards for this format.
Source: Learning Circuits
- MUD (multi-user dimension or multi-user domain)
A simulated virtual world in which users interact with each other, often by taking on character identities called avatars. Originally created for game-playing, MUDs are growing in popularity for online learning and virtual community-building.
Source: Learning Circuits
- Multicasting
The transmission of information to more than one recipient. For example, sending an email message to a list of people. Teleconferencing and videoconferencing can also use multicasting. See also broadcasting and unicasting.
Source: Learning Circuits
- Multimedia
Encompasses interactive text, images, sound, and color. Multimedia can be anything from a simple PowerPoint slide slow to a complex interactive simulation.
Source: Learning Circuits
A true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. SQL is the most popular database language in the world. MySQL is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon mysqld and many different client programs/libraries.