World Conference
The 56th ICSB conference offer experts from over 70 countries an occasion to exchange best practices, interesting research, good ideas and knowledge related to the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship.
"Risk vs. Risk: Managing emerging risk tradeoffs in complex systems" The conference aims to facilitate exchange of experiences from different disciplines, fields and application areas. The conference theme will span across the broad range of risk issues, with a special focus on 5 themes: multi-risk analysis; disaster risk management and natural hazards; emerging public health threats; perceiving and communicating risk; and governance, dialogue and engagement
6th European Conference on Innovation & Entrepreneurship The European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), now in it’s sixth year, is an opportunity for academics, practitioners and consultants from Europe and elsewhere who are involved in both researching and implementing Entrepreneurial and Innovative practices. In addition, the conference offers an opportunity to network with others in the community.